Make a Donation

We are always very grateful for the support of generous donors like you!  Thank you so much!  

General Donations

There are multiple ways to make a donation for ALWAYS NEEDED general operating support:

  • Follow this link to make a donation through PayPal:
  • On a mobile device? Scan this QR code to make a donation through PayPal or with a credit card: 
  • Send us a check, made out to VERDUGO HILLS CHAPTER, SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONALmailed to P.O. Box 721, Glendale, CA 91209. Indicate "General Fund Donation" in the memo line.


Special Targeted Donations

International Fund

As you may know, in March 2024, Verdugo Hills Chorus won our regional chorus competition, conferring on us the right to compete with other regional champions throughout the world!  So, we are especially seeking contributions to support our journey to Columbus, Ohio, so that we can compete in the Sweet Adelines International chorus competition.  We would appreciate any donation in any amount!  We have a goal of $50,000.

  • Follow this link to make a PayPal donation specifically to support travel expenses for the International competition:
  • On a mobile device? Scan this QR code to make a donation specifically to support travel expenses for the International competition by credit card or through PayPal:
  • Send us a check, made out to VERDUGO HILLS CHAPTER, SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONALmailed to P.O. Box 721, Glendale, CA 91209. Indicate "International Fund Donation" in the memo line.

Member Sponsorships

Want to help a specific member by supporting the chorus? You can direct your donation in the name of any of our members. 

  • Follow this link to make a donation through PayPal: Be sure to indicate which member you're supporting (first and last name).
  • On a mobile device? Scan this QR code to make a donation through PayPal or with a credit card:  
    Be sure to indicate which member you're supporting (first and last name).
  • Send us a check, made out to VERDUGO HILLS CHAPTER, SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONALmailed to P.O. Box 721, Glendale, CA 91209. Indicate which member you're supporting (first and last name) in the memo line.

You will receive a receipt for your donation. Donations may be tax-deductible; check with your tax professional for your own situation.

Verdugo Hills Chorus thanks you for your support!




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Sweet Adelines International

Sequoia Pacifica Region 11 - SAIYoung Women In Harmony

Contact & Rehearsals

Thank you for your interest in the Verdugo Hills Chorus. Please feel free to submit any inquiry using the links on our contact us page.  You can also call the chorus phone line at (818) 696-0638

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