Don't Miss Our Big 70th Anniversary Show!

July 9, 2024 - 8:00am -- Lynn Hansen

Verdugo Hills Chorus was chartered in 1954, which means that we are about to celebrate the 70th birthday of our storied chapter of Sweet Adelines International!  It truly has been 70 years of great music, countless friendships, so much love and laughter, and the pure joy of SINGING!  

Come and join us for our 70th Birthday show:  70 Years of Memories!

Saturday, August 17, 2024, at 3:00 pm.

Morrison Hall at Westminster Presbyterian Church

1757 N. Lake Avenue, Pasadena

Admission is just $30 and your ticket purchase supports our on-going operations.  But for $20 more, you can make the afternoon even more festive with wine tasting during the show, from the acclaimed local Cavaletti Vineyards!

If you have questions or concerns, please email us here:  [email protected]

Get your tickets here before they sell out! 


OR make a donation to Verdugo Hills Chorus to help us carry on singing for at least another 70 years:


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Sweet Adelines International

Sequoia Pacifica Region 11 - SAIYoung Women In Harmony

Contact & Rehearsals

Thank you for your interest in the Verdugo Hills Chorus. Please feel free to submit any inquiry using the links on our contact us page.  You can also call the chorus phone line at (818) 696-0638

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