Divas and Desserts 2020 - Mar 07, 2020

Basic event info
Event date: 
Mar 7 2020 - 2:00pm to 5:00pm
First United Methodist Church of Glendale, Carlson Hall
134 N. Kenwood Street
91206 Glendale
United States
Public event fields

Save the date!  Come join Verdugo Hills Chorus as we gather to preview our competition package. Finish the afternoon with delicious desserts and beverages as we celebrate the sounds of music - barbershop style!

Tickets are $15 per person

For more information, contact Ellen Totleben at (626) 808-2132 or email [email protected]


Sweet Adelines International

Sequoia Pacifica Region 11 - SAIYoung Women In Harmony

Contact & Rehearsals

Thank you for your interest in the Verdugo Hills Chorus. Please feel free to submit any inquiry using the links on our contact us page.  You can also call the chorus phone line at (818) 696-0638

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