Precious Gems

This group is for hire
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Tenor - Tammy Ragsdale

Lead - Linda Ragsdale

Baritone - Debi Bitterolf

Bass - Carol Stromsoe

In early 2015, four members of Verdugo Hills Chorus decided to sing together in a corner to see if they had any hope of forming a quartet. The sound turned out to be pretty good and thus Precious Gems was born.  Competing in the Region 11 Novice Quartet Contest that summer, Precious Gems was delightedly rewarded with second place.  Precious Gems has been singing ever since and truly enjoy their time together.  To book the quartet for your special occasion, contact Linda at [email protected]


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Sweet Adelines International

Sequoia Pacifica Region 11 - SAIYoung Women In Harmony

Contact & Rehearsals

Thank you for your interest in the Verdugo Hills Chorus. Please feel free to submit any inquiry using the links on our contact us page.  You can also call the chorus phone line at (818) 696-0638

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