2018 A Cappella Scholarship Festival

April 28, 2018 - 4:00pm -- Pat Vincent

Verdugo Hills Chorus was grateful for the opportunity to host an annual A Cappella Scholarship Festival. We invited middle schools and high schools from all over the LA County area to compete with two acappella songs. This year, 14 schools shared their vocal talents with each other. Thanks to a generous grant from the John C. Hench Foundation, all schools left with significant cash awards for their schools’ vocal programs.   

Additional candid photos of this event can be found on our Gallery page.


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Sweet Adelines International

Sequoia Pacifica Region 11 - SAIYoung Women In Harmony

Contact & Rehearsals

Thank you for your interest in the Verdugo Hills Chorus. Please feel free to submit any inquiry using the links on our contact us page.  You can also call the chorus phone line at (818) 696-0638

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