Pat Vincent's blog

Back together again!

June 12, 2021 - 2:30pm -- Pat Vincent

After 16 long months of only seeing each other online, Verdugo Hills Chorus members finally were able to get together in person!  What better way than to have a picnic!  There were many wonderful hugs, so much delight in each other’s company, and pure joy in SINGING together!

Verdugo has new members!

December 10, 2020 - 11:18am -- Pat Vincent

Verdugo Hills Chorus is very excited to have two new members!  Kathy Regalado is an experienced Sweet Adeline who will be a wonderful addition to our tenor section.  Judy Mellick is returning to Verdugo Hills and adding her voice to our lead section.  Their enthusiasm is contagious and we couldn't be happier than to have them as part of the Verdugo family!

Verdugo Hills Virtual Global Open House

November 10, 2020 - 9:18am -- Pat Vincent


On October 28th, Verdugo celebrated our first Virtual Global Open House with a Halloween twist.  We had 16 guests!  And, while we weren’t able to give them the hugs they deserved, we’re sure they felt the warmth of welcome from the whole chorus.

Our costume contest was hilarious!!  The categories ranged from witchiest witch, funniest, creepiest and ugliest Sweet Adelines costume.

As always, there was music and laughter and, while there were few tricks, our Virtual Global Open House was surely a treat.  A re-SOUNDING success!

Christmas in September!

September 30, 2020 - 7:00pm -- Pat Vincent

Christmas in September

What?  Why would we have a celebration 3 months in advance?

Well, during this age of COVID-19, it’s been a wild and crazy year holding rehearsals on Zoom….and we wanted to make sure we had our Christmas!  That’s why!  

And celebrate we did!  We had it all -- carol singing; contests for ugliest sweater, best background decorating, and best pet costume; games,  and a special holiday treat by our Poet Laureate, Janice Kueppers. 

Purchase recycled ink or toner cartridges and Verdugo receives a donation!

March 9, 2020 - 3:54pm -- Pat Vincent


You can now save money on your purchase of high quality remanufactured ink cartridges or toner cartridges, and at the same time Verdugo Hills Chorus receives a percentage of the purchase as a donation!

Buying remanufactured injets reduces plastic and metal waste in our landfills which makes our planet greener.

When you support an American remanufacturer, you are keeping jobs in the USA. 

Click on the website link below for more information, and to start saving money today!

Divas and Desserts 2020

March 7, 2020 - 2:00pm -- Pat Vincent


What could be better than sweet singing and sweet desserts?  Doing it with Verdugo Hills Chorus, that's what!

Our Divas and Desserts event happens every year, and 2020 is no exception!  This event gives quartets who are competing in the upcoming Regional Contest a chance to strut their stuff.  But wait! It gets better!  The Verdugo Hills Chorus performs their vocal package not once but twice to an enthusiastic audience of friends and family. 

After all the music, the happy crowd gets to enjoy the delicious homemade treats with their favorite hot beverages.  A full and satisfying afternoon for one and all. 

Singing Valentines 2020

February 15, 2020 - 4:40pm -- Pat Vincent


“Love makes the world go ‘round” and Verdugo was out there spreading love this past Valentines Day! Six of our chorus quartets traveled all over the area singing for souls of all ages....18 to 88!

Some of our members say that this is their favorite fundraiser.  What could be more fun than surprising unsuspecting friends and lovers with a song?  There were smiles of gratitude and there were tears of joy.  A most wonderful time of the year!

Divas and Desserts 2019

March 30, 2019 - 2:00pm -- Pat Vincent


Well, Verdugo Hills Chorus has done it again:  another successful Divas and Desserts!  This yearly event gives our chorus and quartets across the region and beyond a chance to strut their stuff.

On March 30th, in Burbank, CA, representing 5 choruses, 7 quartets performed to an enthusiastic and standing room only crowd.  Not only did Verdugo Hills Chorus showcase their competitive package TWICE, but they thrilled their fans with two of their newer songs.

The chorus and most of the performing quartets will be competing in this year's regional contests.  To give the performers a taste of the real thing, there were four judges who gave each group some encouragement and helpful tips.  The goal of all:  give it your best shot!

Girl's Night Out

February 27, 2019 - 12:45pm -- Pat Vincent


Yee haw!  Was it a Girls Night Out or what?  Last Wednesday, the sizzlin' Verdugo Hills Chorus opened their doors and arms to receive a baker's dozen of guests and it turned out to be hot, hot, hot!

Pure and simple, we were there to party!  Quartets sang and chords rang! 

Guests and members alike learned the heel clicking, boot stomping song "Girls Night Out" and, after a bit of sectional work, came back together and rocked the hall!!

Snacks? Of course!  What's a party without snacks?  All in all, it was a rip roaring ball!

Singing Valentines 2019

February 14, 2019 - 12:00am -- Pat Vincent


Who doesn't love LOVE?

To help spread love this year, Verdugo Hills Chorus formed quartets who fanned out over the entire greater Los Angeles area for in-person delivery of Singing Valentines, as well as delivering Singing Valentines via phone calls to recipients across the country, from Coast to Coast! This year there were six hard working quartets: Valentones, BBnJ, Precious Gems, Ransom Notes, Heart Throbs, and Hot Topic….



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Sweet Adelines International

Sequoia Pacifica Region 11 - SAIYoung Women In Harmony

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Thank you for your interest in the Verdugo Hills Chorus. Please feel free to submit any inquiry using the links on our contact us page.  You can also call the chorus phone line at (818) 696-0638

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