Singing Valentines 2019

February 14, 2019 - 12:00am -- Pat Vincent


Who doesn't love LOVE?

To help spread love this year, Verdugo Hills Chorus formed quartets who fanned out over the entire greater Los Angeles area for in-person delivery of Singing Valentines, as well as delivering Singing Valentines via phone calls to recipients across the country, from Coast to Coast! This year there were six hard working quartets: Valentones, BBnJ, Precious Gems, Ransom Notes, Heart Throbs, and Hot Topic….


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Sweet Adelines International

Sequoia Pacifica Region 11 - SAIYoung Women In Harmony

Contact & Rehearsals

Thank you for your interest in the Verdugo Hills Chorus. Please feel free to submit any inquiry using the links on our contact us page.  You can also call the chorus phone line at (818) 696-0638

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