VHC Celebrates 12 Years with Director Tammy Ragsdale

January 21, 2024 - 5:17pm -- Lynn Hansen

This week, we were delighted to celebrate the 12th anniversary of Tammy Ragsdale's becoming our director!  We got so lucky the day Tammy agreed to become our director.  We have learned and grown so much under her leadership and we will be forever grateful to her for all she has given us. 

Tammy said of the occasion:  "12 years! How is that possible? This has been the most amazing 12 years of my life. I got hired to guide a chorus I’d admired since I was 18 years old.

"These women have opened doors and minds! They have allowed me to be ME in front of them. We learn and grow as a TEAM. I am so lucky to enjoy something I love with so many people I love as well!"

Tammy Ragsdale achieved Master Director status with VHC in 2015.  We are so proud!  Love you lots, Tammy!



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